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Depressed woman/valleycares.com |
There are so many things that can get a once active and agile person crumbling on his knees even when others may not necessarily be seeing beyond the mere physical looks.
The following may be responsible in getting someone highly discouraged and depressed:
Are you ready with that single post that would attract millions of shares and comments as a blogger but in reality, you re' afraid to go along with it because most of the clear directives you would provide for people there are not yet evident in your own life and you are afraid of being confronted by some of your readers that know you inside out?
See Also: About The Challenges Of Being A Woman
Is your marriage life the reason why waking up the next morning looks like some kinds of mixed reactions, afraid of facing another hectic day with that nagging wife or the drunkard husband that you married?
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Couple under depression/womenshealthmag,com |
What about the challenges of facing the children with their numerous demands when nothing is forthcoming either from you or your partner due to the present economy state? You are always wishing the nights to come and when it does, you are afraid of facing the next morning?
What about the challenges of school life or that of your working place with unending tasks to perform with less and less appreciative faces in spite of all that you may be doing?
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Even with sleepless nights in your various campuses, you are still afraid of what becomes of your tomorrow as a graduate with good grades and probably no satisfying job to quantify all your hard works, studying and reading those voluminous pages just to pass out distinctively and get employed in job that could pay up all that was probably sold or borrowed to sponsor your educations.
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Fresh graduate down with job concerns/fstoppers.com |
All these and many more are worries that different persons face in life and still managed to over come them with time because no matter how bad it may be for a person or groups of persons, the earth would definitely continue its rotational works around its axes without stopping just because you re' passing through one tough time or the other. It moves and you should as well because you are part of what makes up the world.
Get Over Those Thoughts And Get Stronger
Come what may, there must be day and likewise night and continuously like that; though as humans, we are highly limited at some certain things we can do due to reasons beyond us as what we are, but nevertheless, there are equally several other things that we could do while disregarding the present realities that had kept us incapacitated.
So get over those discouraging feelings and get stronger with whatever you can do. When we know that we ve' got something to do, no matter how little about our situations, we can then make the necessary moves instead of remaining sad faced and playing our time away in the hands of depressions.
It's true that we may not be able to stand up from where we are because we are hungry, angry and probably sick also, but remaining there is certainly the worst we could do because it rather adds to the problems instead of solving them. Nothing positive happens when we abandon ourselves in the hands of the bad situations, the only thing that happens is getting deeper and deeper into depressed modes.
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In times like that, our deceptive minds may take up the raining of abuses and curses on all that could have helped us but who did or could not because they are wicked and tightfisted as judged by us in our sorry states; but still, that does nothing to solve our problems, at least for the time being and may likely never do unless we take some positive steps into having some thing done about it ourselves.
The book of the Proverbs has it clearly stated at chapter 14:23, that 'There is benefit in every kind of hard work, and added that 'mere empty talks leads to want'. Talk from now till next year and have hunger and multiple discomforts to settle scores with.
Personal Warfare Within Ourselves
To start with, those we are abusing may not even know that we are at war with them because they are probably busy with their daily activities, doing their various kinds of jobs which keeps their tables well decorated for their various families, while we are by the corner fighting a lost battle that no one is aware of except our lonely self.
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Hard working women/eleocio.us |
Take some closer looks at those women above, they are not doing what you see them doing just for shows but because they has to do it and get paid for it which ever way, at least it serves some needs for them.
Yes, all those that are struggling and probably seeing their three squares meals per day are just doing the best they could for the welfare of those that are their own. It only becomes wicked on their parts when they use their own to block others from getting their own as it were. Selfishness!
The situation is bad, we know, but there are those that are still surviving despite the hardships by doing one thing or the other which could see them through each day.
We may not be Bill Gate, or Dangote of this world but we can still survive in our own various but little ways if we could learn to manage ourselves well by not looking at the big things of life when there are many other little things that could keep us covered as we gradually aim for the higher grounds if it's really necessary.
LOOK UP TO GOD!!!, that's usually the best and easiest form of advice that people are given and it sounds wonderful, but know this: God does not work in isolation and he will never do but only shows himself to those that give him enough reasons to manifest himself to them by doing the best they can in their situations while earnestly calling unto him for assistance.
The Best Approach To Things That Are Weighing Us Down
Whatever it may be, if we bow low to any worries in life, they would keep us bowed low! We have things that weighs us down and when we remain down or chose to bend as it were, it simply means that we are not matching the weights with some corresponding pushes, at least we are not trying....
Just like having faith, do not do anything that doesn't require faith. It's all about looking forward with some full anticipations that it has worked for others and it's surely going to work for us as well, because faith is defined in the book of Hebrews 11:1 as 'The assured expectation of things hoped for, and added that it's also 'an evident demonstrations of realities that are yet to be beheld'.
See Also: How To Succeed In Anything
Our mindset are wonderful when properly trained and directed. It can also serve some wrong purposes when we allow it to deceive us.
Our untrained mind has the capabilities of picking up minor things and enlarging them to us as a big problem without solutions, that can only happen if we allow it, but we should be wise enough to know that there re' no problems without solutions.
It can only be difficult but difficult situations are meant to be overcome and that's why we have the bulldozers and forklifts to handle tougher tasks.
Never feel intimidated by any problem in this life as long as there's still life. Sooner or later, it would all be told as stories, as during those days and times just like we may have related some hardships that we overcame in the past.
Read books to get yourself motivated and swing into action as soon as possible because reading too many of them can only get you confused and weighed down again and again. When you read too many books simply to get yourself motivated, you end up not knowing the best advice among the books you had read to follow.
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Reading of too many motivational books leaves one confused/lifehack.org |
There are so many do's and don't s in life but as a person, not all of them are meant for you. Choose the ones applicable for you and manage your life with it as you look away from all other important rules but which are irrelevant to your own case.
How To Overcome Our Worries With Practical Actions
Are you disturbed because of your inability to pay up your children school fees or any other needs in life? I share your pains because it hurts but moaning over it does little if any thing to address the problem. Take actions no matter how little, then if you didn't succeed, you will make do with the assurance that you tried your best.
Remember Proverbs 14:23 that we drew attention to earlier. Get something to do about it because talking alone won't help much.
How is the next meal going to come and when will it be available? That again is such an empty feelings that leaves any parent with enough heart attacks waiting to strike.
But do we know that thinking about it alone would not do any magic?. Remember what was said earlier about how God works and also remember to add the first part of the words of proverbs above.
MANA fell from the heavens for the Israelites to eat for some stipulated times and it stopped at a given time. Good!
Prior to this dry time that we all are bemoaning now --- were the rainy days in which things were flowing as it were and we were buying without collecting our changes and the relationships with our bosses in the offices were cordial because they could afford to overlook some details and grant our leave without much pressing, but just like one musician, those days are gone!
The piggy banks should come back to work because the situation has changed; it's no longer to be left for the school children for those little changes from their pocket money because the adults can save as well and it certainly adds up with time.
It is now time to roll up our sleeves and go into work and have something doing since the ones we did in the past are now gone with the past methods. There's need to change because just as the late Tupacs put it, 'things would never remain the same'.
Are you dismissed from from the work that you have done for the past 10 - 30yrs with little to nothing as your gratuities? Now is the time to cut your spending and see what you can start up and manage your life with until the kids are on their own if they haven't.
See Also: How To Be Prudent With Our Spending
Is your business dwindling due to economy recessions? Sit back and watch the trends and see if it still makes sense to continue with it or upgrade to something more better which people are demanding for. Try something new.
Is your family life in shamble because of the general problems or sudden changes of the family income? Look around and see those that has been there and had continued living their lives with less worries doing things together as one family all the while that you were going to the toilet with an airplanes.
Are you worried about your school life and what life is likely to present you with by the time you finished from school? That is still a long or short ways to go. Focus on your studies for now and leave the worries where they belong but do not take chances as you remain alert to some possible opportunities even while in school.
And lastly but not the least, what of you, one of the million bloggers on the world wide web, are you getting tired writing those great contents even most of the times borrowing money to support yourself and nothing is coming into your pockets except debt and critics, know this: You are the looser if you decides to stop what you are doing!. Keep on blogging even when all you gets is laughter and critics.
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A woman blogger at work/theabbiagency.com |
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Despite how we may try in whatever we are doing in life, life would still be filled with challenges of various types. What we are doing may be booming today and gone tomorrow. Yes, take it easy, it's just life and we ve' got to live it any way and however it comes but certainly not without some proper plannings and wisdom.
The only thing that makes this life very difficult for most us is the inability to move along with the constant changes that it presents to all the all the living. If we can only understand the life's basic language, 'CHANGES', we may not have to wait for any body to remind us that and probably use it to hold many to ransom all in the names of waiting for changes which had continued changing even as I type this.
Let us learn to adapt to the present situations and leave yesterday to where it belong as we face the futures with its unfolding changes. Talk less, Do more; Read less, Practice more. Do not remain stagnant but press forward because the world itself is for all times moving forward.
1 comment:
Man I love this post and will definitely do my best to have it shared with all my contacts. Please do keep it coming because this is what we need to keep the basic things under control. May God keep providing you with enough insight and inspirations to continue with this wonderful works.
Less, I forget, I noticed that your site recently started redirecting to another site. Please confirm it and take the needed actions to correct it. Thanks, your regular reader, Mr John.
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