Steps To Harnessing Our Good Habits And How To Achieve Them

good habits
Turning a good leaf/
If there's anything that we want to achieve as an individual, it's the ability to harness our habits and have it programmed to serve us better. No wonder most persons have new year resolutions almost on a yearly basis.

 Be it in our works, relationships with others, the needs to have enough time for rest, exercising, or to be up and doing in all that is required of one as a person, we need nothing but the best of habits because good habit goes a long way in helping us to live good and acceptable life.

 While some are fighting hard to keep their good habits, others are doing just the opposite, and that is, to break their bad habits.


This may include but is not limited to the following:

Excessive time on the internet, spending time with wrong friends, smoking, eating too much, or neglecting one's families most of the times.

 Put simply, none of these bad habits can be easily broken off immediately no matter how one may try because it may have been ingrained in a person for a long time. Still, it's very much possible if one is determined to do away with them and replace it with good habits.

Steps To Overcoming Bad Habits

1.Know What You Want

In other words, be realistic, focused and absolute. 'I will stop and start some day' sound very easy but may not be realistic when it comes to putting it into practice.

 One may have multiple habits that he may want to do away with and as such, would not be easy to have all of them discarded at once.

There is a saying that 'anything to be done someday may never get done at all because someday is not part of the weekdays' and again, trying to do everything at once is a sure way to hit the may end up doing nothing!
good habits
Replace bad habit with something interesting/
For a person to achieve the desired results, he must have to follow things realistically with the knowledge that time and other resources are involved in whatever he want to do.


 To get rid of the bad habits, a person has to make a comprehensive lists of all the unwanted habits, starting from the ones that is  hard for him to break and working his way down to the easier ones. Make sure not to leave the vacuum open for each habit that you replaces, always ensure that you replace it with something of value and stick with that.

2. Stay Away From Temptations

If you know that eating some certain types of foods makes you feel like taking what you had resolved not to taste again, then getting close to where such food is being prepared may not be of any help to you. For instance, a person wanting to stop smoking should have no business with smokers even when they are not with cigarettes not to talk of when its being offered to him .

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Be strong enough to say no/
 Again if one is battling with careless attitudes, then learning how to keep things at some specific places would definitely be of help. If we want to arrange our environment, it should start with getting ourselves arranged first.


Try to prove your seriousness to yourself first before making it manifest to others because any serious resolves usually start that way.

 Take practical steps by pummeling yourself not to even consider any relapse no matter how little because if you do, the tempting situations would subtly keep on coming back once in a while until you decide against your initial resolves to stop the bad habit.

Train your subconscious mind to be on the look out for some possible dangers and be firm enough to say no ahead of time. Changing one's types of friends is a bold step in doing this.

3. Look Far Ahead Into The Future

We are not asking you to turn a prophet simply for changing a bad habit but to imagine how different you will be in some future times to come.

good habits
Alber Einstein/
Think of how you will be, probably a month or a year from now and see how differently all the foul smells of cigarettes in your clothes gone, or with a more fitted body shape as the result of your determination to exercise regularly and shade those unwanted shapes with good diets to go with it.


 Fact: It may sound so easy in writing just as you have it here but remember that nothing good comes easy. With determination, though there may be some periods of relapse but dwelling on the condemnatory feelings of few relapses will not help you to achieve your aims and make the needed changes you want.

Yes, relapse may come once in a while but focusing on the days that you lived up to expectation will keep you striving to reach your goals with time. Do not long to repeat any mistake you made but wish that you keep up with the progress you are making.

4. Becoming Responsible

This is one sure way to keeping any bad habit far away from ourselves. Once a person knows that he is responsible in life, every other things bows to the demands of maintaining that responsibilities.

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Developing good habit/
 Would fighting, arguing unreasonably, or neglecting my responsibilities project me as an unserious individual thus showing me as being irresponsible?

 For everyone who is serious with his responsibilities,nothing would be more important to him than that which keep him highly responsible in life.  knowing that is enough deterrent in having anything that is capable of rubbishing him kept at bare.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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