Why not save yourself the agonies of dying unnecessarily for someone else or others losing their life cheaply for your sake; simply by minding your own business and staying away from issues that doesn't concern you?
No matter who we are as individuals, we can save ourselves the unnecessary pains of suffering for what others did while living our peaceful lives away from the problems which could come from getting our feet wet from the road side mud so to speak.
While not preaching hate or encouraging people to disobey the loving principles of helping others in need, this directive is very clear and straight to the point for those who could read between the lines and see the underlying meanings of this post.
The best way to maintain peace is by first of all, being at peace with oneself and trying all we could to stay clear from being referred to as the originator of the rumor or whatever that is making waves around our environs.
Without mincing words, there are so many people today who are behind bars, some dead and others in various precarious conditions as the results of stepping out of their way and onto what they rarely know anything about.
It is again highly perturbing to know that some of these people are suffering just for being good to others and doing what they felt is the right thing to do for the benefits of others. This may have been done too loosely by not taking some necessary facts into considerations.
It is true and is always expected that we do good things for others but none is ever doing that with the hopes of suffering afterwards for having reached out positively for others whether strangers or neighbors.
Again, what good does it serve or turns out to be if a person is allowed to suffer unjustly simply for for being nice to the next person in need? To this, some will just give the answer that 'it's just the way life is' but how true is that?
That sounded too simple but highly discouraging. How can you say that suffering is the rewards for doing good things to others? That's how we see it, may probably be the still answer.
What If We Are To Die For Doing Good To Others?
There is an expression which states that 'dying is never the problem but that which kills the person' and that nails the whole issue here. We are all going to die if the system continues this way, agreed but what should be responsible for our death? Even if we are to die as we surely would, must it be a cheap death? I ask because so many are ending their lives cheaply as against the very principles that governs life.
No sane person ever wishes to die or gets into other problems and leave his family to suffer needlessly, but it's happening almost every day leading to so many untold hardships and suffering to those affected.
"It's needless to get dirty simply for getting someone out of the mud especially if the person insists on embracing us with both hands before he would be pulled out"!.
In view of all these therefore, it should be sensible enough and a course of wisdom for each and everyone of us to know the limits at which we could allow ourselves into some dangerous situations all in the names of assisting others which may end up putting us into some needless problems.
Some of these funny problems are capable of putting us into some serious tight corners in life with our good names being rubbed with the mud.
Pay close attentions to the following guidelines on how to stay away from blamable situations that are so common around us today and be on the lookout for those that really need help or assistance and not the ones that could get a person wondering of what he has gotten into in life.
Being wise and having faith in God should not only help but also guide us in making use of our thinking abilities each time we encounter some confusing situations that may likely put us and our families into some unwarranted challenges and problems.
Six Common Life Concerns That Could Get Us Into Problems And How To Avoid Them
1. Guarantor.Signing surety for others is known as a two edged swords. If it works, it works fine but if it goes bad, the surety bears the brunt.
So before standing for anybody as a guarantor, make sure that you are ready to forfeit anything in case the person you stood for fail to live up to expectation.
Many had lost their means of survival for standing for someone else and because of so many bad tales trailing sureties for others, some people today are not willing to stand for others on anything.
Best practice: If you cannot do it, please don't do it to avoid jeopardizing your family's future.
2. Friendships.
Who is your friend and how well do you know each other? Your friend is you at any place you are not. If it's good for your friend, the next person to share his happiness with, is you; if things go sour for him, you the friend is the next port of call.
Another question to ask about one's friend is, how well does he represent you in your absent? If a friend gets into trouble, would you be ready to battle it with him even if it calls for some higher prices?
Is it possible for an honest person to be a good friend of an armed robber? Remember the saying: 'Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are'.
Best practice: If you can't stand for a friend on some certain things, think twice about how much of a friend you are and be clear enough not to sacrifice your family's welfare for the sake of whom you can't tell much about.
3. Partnership In Business.
Are you in enough good terms to pull your resources together in one business and have the confidence in running it as partners?
Musicians do it, likewise other business dealings but some good number of them has ended badly with sad stories to tell by those who survived to relate their experiences.
Just as in friendship, if you don't trust your business partner, chances are there of planning bad things against each other in other to take it all.
Best practice: Have things clearly written down on papers with clearly stated facts and figures of what goes to who along the way as you remain together and at what level to go your separate ways in peace...Genuine lawyer should be involved.
Do not go about making promises even the ones you can keep! Politicians are the only ones that are known for making promises and they know how to go about it in their own special ways.
Instead of making promises just to have your way at some given periods in life, do the little you can at the moment for it saves you a whole lot in time to come.
Do not say that you are coming when in the real sense of it you are actually going. Making promises sometimes sets one up and projects a person as one who is capable of doing whatever he promised.
If you promise some people of doing somethings for them but fails to live up to your words, it breeds some subtle enmity and hates that is capable of eliminating the person.
It's only a wicked person that promises and never fulfills and with this in mind, when you give out your words, you automatically become indebted.
Best practice: Do not give others the room to term you a wicked person for they could harm you in some unlikely ways.
5. Being Good/Generous.
This may sound a bit confusing but when we compare it with how the world works, it would then help us to get the point more clearer.
Look around the whole place and you will see the graves and the uncompleted buildings of the good ones while those that are said to be wicked are making continued progress in their works and living the life of their choices.
Then in view of this, are we now better off being wicked? The answer is no because the generous heart would definitely be made fat and givers never lack.
Being good and generous is highly encouraged because those that reach out to the ones of little means do enjoy the blessings of the Most High but they don't do it extravagantly.
Showing generosity to the wrong persons attracts some penalty of different types and one could be opening himself up for hatred from those who are envious of his progress.
Best practice: Always be calculative in whatever you do. Even if you are moved to reach out to some people in need, do not do it openly and desist from being known as one who helps everyone because you are not and could never help everyone since you are not God; projecting yourself as such can only generate envious eyes and enmities of various kinds.
6. Highly Sensitive To People's Needs
This still finds its way to being good but in some more subtle ways with emotions attached it. When you are sensitive to others needs, you could go some long ways in trying to ease up the person's pains at all cost.
This is highly encouraged as some people have had some good stories to tell about how being concerned at people's needs had helped to ease up their pains in life.
But being sensitive to people's needs shouldn't be without some clarity because some had likewise have some not too good stories to tell for doing that. How do I mean? Good!
Crossing a busy road without knowing of an oncoming fast moving vehicle doesn't spare one an accident.
Road accident/alertchicago.org |
Some may be suffering as the results of their past wicked acts but which they had refused to make some necessary amendments on, an innocent person may see them and feel for such ones and decides to help only for him to start what he may never be able to finish while those he is helping remain silent while he suffer the consequences for stepping beyond his boundaries.
Best practice: Always look well before you leap to avoid creating problems for yourself and others unnecessarily. If you feel for someone and wants to help, please for the sake of what you don't know, make some findings so as not to get into what you know nothing about.
There are so many reasons why we have to make sure of whatever we may want to do for other people to avoid getting oneself into problems.
We are created with fellow feelings as humans and we do feel for ourselves but while doing that, we equally want to know the implications of going out of our ways to do whatever we feels like doing for others.
We want to help others and do that effectively without compromising our stands on what is right.
Again, helping others should be clearly separated from encouraging laziness of any type but be clear enough of how far we could go in assisting others in other not to render ourselves incapable of fulfilling our various obligations to the least expected of us.
The world is becoming more and more dangerous with many people capitalizing on the goodness on the part of the kindhearted ones - making them to look rather stupid for doing what they do for others of low means of sustenance.
It must not continue that way and come what may, kindness must remain even when the deceptive ones continue with their deceptions which would for all times keep them just from hand to mouth.
The extent at which some go to deceive others/trendingnewsportal.com |
In order not to fall victim to loosing our precious and valuable things to the wrong kinds of people, we should learn how to make use of our senses and reduce the tendencies of being easily deceived by the professional beggars who are pathological liars to their own loss.
However, if one fails to help the really needy ones and deliberately ignores them out of pure wickedness, as a way of retribution, such persons usually fall into the wrong hands for not doing what they supposed to do.
They are contrasted from those that are described here at Psalm. 41:11 'Happy is anyone who shows consideration to the lowly one; Jehovah will rescue him in the day of calamity.
Be wise while being good to those in need and save yourself some needless challenges in life.
1 comment:
Amaechi to be sincere, I just love your styles of writing. No one can hold you based on what you say or didn't say because you are always firm and careful with your choices of words and tactfully pushes it up to the readers to make their choices without quoting you. I commend you for the wonderful works on this platform.
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