When least is best

We have to take things easy and humbly work and live according to the basic rules that governs living.
Being an intellectual creates a lot of questions and no answers. Yes, we can fill our lives with so many ideas and still go home feeling empty and lonely.

 So it goes with having or accumulating lot of properties that are not necessarily needed.
There are just enough of few basics in life; every other things are just unnecessary and fills our lives with worries.
There are many things in life that fall into this category and funny enough, these things are necessary and what we need to stay alive and feel at least belonged to a reasonable degree. But that is where the problem lies.

As humans, we want every necessary things to stay alive but could still live without most of those things. We often aim for the highest heights in every thing but could still make do with the least of all these.

 Yes we need nothing but the average.

We need money to get the necessary things in life, but some of us go the extra miles to use the money to their own detriments, causing more harms for themselves through acquisition of burdens instead of living simple with the basic things they've got.

He that increases properties unnecessarily increase headaches.

Whenever most of the city dwellers travel home to their different villages, some would come to tell you that they don't know how the people manages to survive.

 But one thing they don't know is that the villagers are actually better off than them, may be not monetarily but just comfortably even in their wants and lacks.

It is often said that we never have enough, but we has always had.

Where the problem lies is that the little or much we've got are already outdated and are  belittled in our eyes.

 If the same thing belonged to someone else, it would appear unattainably high for you.

 Live your life livable and shun unnecessary burdens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is true as you hinted; we can have it all but that certainly does so little to solve our problems. it is good to be careful.