Keep Your Lifestyles Simple And straight To The Point

What a captivating sight!
Make it brief and straight to the point. That's often how good instructions sounds, and that's really the short and simple way to all the best and achievable things in the world today; but so many people often ignore this simple warnings leading to so many complications in all aspects of their lives.
When we develop the habit of keeping
our comments simple, short, and straight to the needed points and in the desired directions, we enjoy much click through so to say, yes many people will give you the needed attention because whenever you speak, you would always want to be listened to and enjoy some wonderful feedback that results from that.
If it's work, you will always receive the corresponding wages when you keep it short, simple, and straight to the desired results instead of complicating so many issues at the same time all in the name of  'I can do that as well'. Why not focus on one thing and do it very well while you leave the rest for others to handle accordingly?

In our day to day living as well, if we learn to simplify matters, our way and manner of life will also reflect that because we would have less and less to worries to disturb ourselves on. When it comes to keeping our life simple and straight to the point, so many things should be included in the list so that we do not base our self assessments on one side while disregarding other important areas of our lives.

Could you please check these items out?

             Let this brief post serve as a reminder to everyone reading it, that most of the best things in life are those things that are kept to its minimal levels as long as it serves the needed purposes and not those that were done flamboyantly to entice or intimidate others.
Be it knowledge, wealth, abilities to do things exceptionally or extraordinarily well in any given area or fields, learn to compose and limit yourself to just the needed areas.
Good books like this, can be of help

 You can always impress others or motivate them to aspire for greatness but when done wrongly, you yourself definitely knows that it has shifted from being motivating to something else that ain't so real at its best. When you do that, you knows that all you are doing, even without being told, are simply make believe which only leaves you empty after the show offs.

   So be it any thing in life, learn to minimize things and limit them to where they serve the best purpose and not where they may probably leave you feeling empty or giving others the impression that you are what you are not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post that make enough brain. Keep providing people with your wonderful works.