The Titanic, launched in 1912, was the largest and most luxurious ocean liner of its time. Because of its scientific design, the vessel was considered “unsinkable.”
What happened, of course, is history. On its maiden voyage, it struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic and sank, taking down with it some1,500 of its passengers. The ship that was said to be impossible to sink vanished in the depths of the ocean in just a few hours.

The word “impossible” can mean so many things. We may describe something as impossible in the sense that we feel it is beyond our ability to cope with, to accomplish, or to understand. Many of today’s technological accomplishments were at one time described or viewed as impossible because at that time, those things were beyond the ability of man to do or even to foresee. Putting a man on the moon, sending a vehicle to Mars and controlling it from Earth, mapping the human genetic code ,and seeing a news event as it is happens across town or across the globe –…these are realities now that may have been describe as impossible even just 50 years ago! The matter was well summarized by a former U.S. President Ronald Reasgan in an address to a group of leading figures in various fields of science:  He said, you, on the cutting edge of technology, have already made yesterday’s impossibilities the commonplace realities today”

In view of the many astounding developments taking place, Professor John Brobeck observed: A scientist is no longer able to say honestly something is impossible. He can only say it is improbable. But he may be able to say something is impossible to explain in terms of our present knowledge” If something appears impossible to us, the professor went on to say, one thing that needs to be added is a source of energy unknown to us in our biological and physical sciences”. My wonderful and intelligent readers, do you also have a hard time guessing what the unknown energy is? I believe you don’t, because we are all here today with our various abilities and some wonderful innovations because of that which some scientists fail to recognize.Yes that with GOD, nothing, and whatsoever is impossible. So you see, impossibility simply means nothing! Take the bull by the horn and discard those unfounded myths that you have been told over the years, and free yourselves from whatever man-made fears that have been taking you backward instead of forward, stand on your feet and say a resounding NO! to that fearless but fearful word that had hampered so many goods and positive things from seeing the lights of the day, move into the unknown for by so-doing it becomes a known and a conquered zone for you. To your delight……..see you next!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOU spoke my mind.I,m simply saying a very big thank you sir!