We Are One People Irrespective Of The Colors Of Our Skins

Take your time to go around your surrounding and try to find out what is happening to people within your area and you will be surprised at what you see and hear. If you take a step further away from your immediate location, probably a little farther from your area, then try again to listen to their own causes for concerns, you will marvel at what you will hear. As if the distance you might have covered is not enough, I suggest you move out of your state and still the same thing but may be on a different version.
One people as you can see!
Take a trip to a foreign country where you have almost every thing different from the country of your origin.eg; Colour, Language, Choices of food e.t.c, you will still come face to face with the universal languages known as the followings; Laughter, Crying, Sexual intercourse and the likes. 

 Is there any country in the world today that has any of the above differently? Simply put the lists are endless, and that narrows down to our topic of discussion. 

One major thing that we often ignore is that what make you different from others is not all that big as you may think or assume it to be but it is just so slim as how you react to some situations at a given time or what you do at a particular time of the day.... better or worst still, some situations you may face at a certain time which you may probably assume that it has never happen to anyone on the earth. 

Permit me to say this, "we are all humans beseeched by common but various trials at some given time in our lives". 

As you move from one place to the other and probably put your ears to the ground so to say, you will find out that people all over the world are generally concerned with one thing or the other but in some different ways peculiar to them.

 So if I may ask you reading this blog of your major problems or concerns in life, What forms the basis for your conversations with different persons in various times? Are there things so different and far removed from this life and has never been or will never be anyone else's concern? 

     Please think about it very well and try as much as you can to curtail it if you considers it harmful to you because it might as well be to others too. Life is hard, unfair, and difficult and so on, we all know and understand very well; but please do not forget that life is sweet and good as well and inasmuch as we try to enjoy it accordingly, it would definitely and always give us something to reflect on and be happy as long as we remain part of this wonderful gift from GOD that money cannot buy.


Anonymous said...

thanks 4 ur nice piece,i enjoyed reading it.

The Cuban Guy said...

Keep providing insights to others...

Amaechi Ekeh said...


Amaechi Ekeh said...
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Unknown said...

What a looong but interesting facts worthy of reading

Amaechi Ekeh said...

My dear, thanks for taking your time to go through. Remember to read other posts also.